Here’s how to start investing

Here’s how to start investing There are a lot of options when it comes to investing, but often people are daunted by the prospect. A lack of accessible information, misconceptions about investment...

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An Ethical Business for You

An Ethical Business for You Business ethics are the system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviours and decisions of a business organisation and the individuals involved within that...

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What to do with your Lost Super

What to do with your Lost Super After COVID 19’s impact on the world, an influx of employees who had lost their jobs fell into the job market. Many of these came from companies that couldn’t afford to...

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Tax After Death?

Tax After Death? Intrinsically linked with tax, superannuation is a minefield of concerns for many of us. One such concern is whether super gets taxed after a death. When a person’s super is paid after their...

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Possible Claims From Self-Education

Possible Claims From Self-Education Individuals who partake in self-education may be able to claim a deduction for their expenses if the education is related to their work or if they receive a taxable...

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Responding to difficult employees

Responding to difficult employees Every now and then, you might come across an employee who is particularly difficult to handle. A difficult employee could be one who is incompetent, doesn’t follow...

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