Taking out a chattel mortgage

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/taking-out-a-chattel-mortgage/Taking out a chattel mortgage to finance the purchase of a business vehicle is an attractive option for small business owners from a tax-saving perspective. A chattel mortgage is...

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A guide to email netiquette

A guide to email netiquette

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/a-guide-to-email-netiquette/The way an email is composed can say a lot about a business’s professionalism and image. Here are some points to keep in mind when composing and sending a business email...

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Creating your own emergency fund

Creating your own emergency fund

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/creating-your-own-emergency-fund/Individuals may want to consider creating an emergency fund to prepare for unexpected financial shortfalls such as accidents and disasters. While an emergency fund is a great...

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Growing your business

Growing your business

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/growing-your-business/It can be difficult for small businesses to grow their customer base beyond the realms of the local community. Generating new business, however, is fundamental to business success, no...

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Home-based work expenses

Home-based work expenses

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/home-based-work-expenses/The Australian Tax Office allows Australians who work at or from their home to claim a deduction for the additional expenses they incur from running their business. Generally...

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New PAYG withholding rates

New PAYG withholding rates

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/new-payg-withholding-rates/New PAYG withholding rates will apply to individual taxpayers who earn more than $80,000 from 1 October 2016. The Government announced in July that the marginal tax rate of 37 per...

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How to prepare for a quick hire

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/how-to-prepare-for-a-quick-hire/With usual recruitment cycles taking up to two months, business owners may panic when faced with the need for a quick replacement. Fortunately, there are some ways to prepare...

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