Employer jury duty responsibilities

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/employer-jury-duty-responsibilities/When an employee gets summoned for jury duty, it can put added stress on the workplace with other staff having to take on extra work. As an employer, you’ll likely...

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Taking a mental health break

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/taking-a-mental-health-break/People won’t hesitate to take a break when their physical health is bad but are reluctant to treat their mental health with the same importance. Your mental health plays a...

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Taking a super pension

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/taking-a-super-pension/Once you have met your preservation age (between 55 and 60 depending on when you were born), you can choose to take a super pension. There are six main types of super pension...

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Bouncing back after redundancy

http://blog.revolutionadvisors.com.au/bouncing-back-after-redundancy/Being made redundant is probably not something you considered in your career plan. It can be scary and disheartening, however, there are some steps you can take to turn your...

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