Creating a strategy for Instagram

Creating a strategy for Instagram is no longer a social platform that can be ignored. The platform’s power to reach audiences and engage with customers is proving as a valuable marketing...

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Decision making red flags

Decision making red flags of any business is making decisions; regarding your product, growth, staff, clients, etc. It is important to pick up on signs your business, for whatever reason, may not be the...

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Building rapport with customers

Building rapport with customers rapport is a necessity in forming strong, healthy relationships. This is no different from the relationships you develop with your customers. Customers need to trust...

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SMSF preparations for 2018

SMSF preparations for 2018 the new year fast approaches, there are a number of considerations SMSF trustees should be aware of leading into 2018. Before the end of the year, take time to address the...

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Hiring for the holiday season

Hiring for the holiday season holiday season is a busy time of year for many businesses and it is not uncommon to hire staff particularly for this period. If your business is one with an influx of sales...

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Boosting employee engagement

Boosting employee engagement employees are engaged and committed to their work will ensure they are making a valuable and profitable contribution to the business. While daily tasks will vary based on...

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Benefits of cloud computing

Benefits of cloud computing computing is redefining the way small businesses conduct business; the advantages in the technology allow users to access data off-site, save on IT equipment and give...

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Make your credit card work for you

Make your credit card work for you keeping track of your credit balance can be a hard but an important lesson many individuals can learn from. Thanks to interest and fees, many individuals may pay for...

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Time wasters to avoid

Time wasters to avoid what behaviours and factors which cause employees to waste time is important. Only when you understand why time is not being used efficiently can you implement strategies...

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ATO’s data matching programs

ATO’s data matching programs Australian Tax Office (ATO) has sophisticated data matching programs in place to ensure individuals and businesses are complying with their obligations and to uphold the...

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